is Live


Note: Julian, Jess and Jasmine are all parents so we are each splitting our time between caring commitments and working on the game. This means we only have 2-3 days each week to work on Momento. We are dedicated to making the best game possible but this limitation will mean production may take longer than usual.

Current Goal: Secure funding so that we are able to focus our efforts entirely onto Momento. We are all currently part time due to financial reasons but we are working hard to get everything ready for grant applications and potentially a kickstarter.

‍What’s been happening: is live!!! We recently launched our website for Momento, it is a very simple website for now but we have plans to build onto it during the next couple months. We are planning on adding more details about the game, where you can get it and more about who we are as a team. Stay tuned for updates as they happen!

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to our mailing list so far! We are so grateful for your support, we are planning lots for great content for those on our mailing list so be sure to sign up so you don't miss out!

Here’s what we have been working on this week.


  • working on the Momento's branding assets for Steam are almost done!
  • is preparing art tasks to collaborate with Jess.
  • is planning and conceptualizing the next rooms.
  • will be splitting her time between freelance work, the game and looking after her daughter Noemi.


  • worked on story design mechanics and prototyping
  • worked on writing store page descriptions and website design.
  • built our website and worked on additions to the website.
  • will be splitting his time between working on the game and looking after his daughter Isabelle.


  • is back this week! We are so excited to have her back from maternity leave.
  • will be focusing her efforts on developing the branching stories of Momento as well as helping Jasmine out with the art department.
  • will be splitting her time between working on the game and looking after her daughter Isabelle.

Thanks so much for your support!

- Jasmine, Julian and Jess

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We send out a newsletter with updates once every month - with exclusive behind the scenes content🧸 Plus we will also be using our mailing list to find interested play testers! 👀

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