Two Week Break!


Note: Julian, Jess and Jasmine are all parents so we are each splitting our time between caring commitments and working on the game. This means we only have 2-3 days each week to work on Momento, we are dedicated to making the best game possible but this limitation will mean production may take longer than usual.

Current Goal: Take a very short break! As we are a small team who all have very young kids, we are taking two weeks to go see far off family members (some of whom will be meeting a baby for the very first time). We can’t wait to refresh, come back, and really knuckle down on a prototype! We’ll be back at the end of July!

‍What’s been happening:

You may have received an email from us this week if you’ve subscribed to our mailing list! Thank you so much for the responses, they have been really wholesome and we have loved reading them. We’ve also been working on the pitch deck for funding, production schedule, marketing schedule, and more art assets this week. We were also able to pitch our game to a few senior game designers and artists in the industry and they loved the idea so we are incredibly excited!

Here’s what we have been working on this week.


  • New rooms! 
  • Answering all of your amazing emails.
  • Pitched to industry.


  • Developing our marketing plan.
  • Developing our production schedule.
  • Worked on the email list.
  • Pitched to industry.


  • Working on the pitch deck for funding.
  • Doing some R&D for lighting and art in Unity.
  • Pitched to industry.

Thanks so much for your support!

- Jasmine, Julian and Jess

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We send out a newsletter with updates once every month - with exclusive behind the scenes content🧸 Plus we will also be using our mailing list to find interested play testers! 👀

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