Keeping the Momento Pitch Deck Momentum


Note: Julian, Jess and Jasmine are all parents so we are each splitting our time between caring commitments and working on the game. This means we only have 2-3 days each week to work on Momento, we are dedicated to making the best game possible but this limitation will mean production may take longer than usual.

A beautiful winters day in Canberra, Australia but soooo cold!

Current Goal: Secure funding so that we are able to focus our efforts entirely onto Momento. We are all currently part time due to financial reasons but we are working hard to get everything ready for grant applications and potentially a kickstarter.

‍What’s been happening:

We are back from our two week break! It was so nice to get away and see family (though travelling with young children is hard) but now it’s full steam ahead on putting together all our pitching documents so we can apply for grant funding at the end of this month. There’s been a lot of work going into it but we can’t wait to get back to actually creating the game.

Also something exciting happened for us: Momento was covered by Gamesradar! Check out this lovely article written by Hope Bellingham here! We are so happy that Momento is piquing interests, it is really fueling our team’s fire!

Here’s what we have been working on this week.


  • Asset and room creation
  • Drafting up our funding application
  • Concepting out levels according to example narrative


  • Developing the marketing plan
  • Developing the production schedule
  • Developing the budget plan


  • Pitch deck
  • Writing the Design Document
  • Writing an example branching narrative and progression chart

Thanks so much for your support!

- Jasmine, Julian and Jess

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