Into Prototype Production!


Note: Julian, Jess and Jasmine are all parents so we are each splitting our time between caring commitments and working on the game. This means we only have 2-3 days each week to work on Momento, we are dedicated to making the best game possible but this limitation will mean production may take longer than usual.

Current Goal: Complete our first story-path of four for the prototype! 😵‍💫

We’re finally out of the frypan of grant applications and into the fire of prototype development! We’re aiming to get four story-paths done for the prototype demo early next year and heck, guys, it’s a lot. We are doing a lot of research and development into some cool 2D setups for Unity; and writing out descriptions for rooms; and concepting everything; and of course starting to get those systems implemented for object placement and decoration.

So please feel free to take a sneaky peak at a few of our concepts that we did for our pitch deck! A lot of these will end up changing a little bit but it does give you more insight as to what we are imagining for Momento!

(Is that Space?? Indeed it is, my friend! 🌌)

We also did a fun little game jam with our friends at Grizzly Dog Games this week over at the Screen Queensland hub where we made a game where you (and a friend?) build robots to battle each other in the art style of a teenager’s animated scribbled graph book. The theme was ‘Strange Power Ups’ so the robots had things like squid arms and goat heads etc. etc. It was a lot of fun (and I got a neat little shader out of it!)

(The linework and colour fill jitter to make it more of that ‘moving children’s drawing’ feel. Yes, it is janky on purpose!)

And here’s what we’ve been doing lately:


  • Making super secret marketing material
  • Concepting and rendering rooms for prototype
  • Streamlining the artwork pipeline


  • Doing some research into other game engines (Unity... sigh)
  • Building the room systems
  • Building the item systems
  • Game Jamming 


  • Looking into some of our tech art questions
  • Creating some cool shaders
  • Game Jamming

Thank you for your support, keep watching out for more!

Jasmine, Jess, and Julian

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