Breaking for the Holidays!


Note: Julian, Jess and Jasmine are all parents so we are each splitting our time between caring commitments and working on the game. This means we only have 2-3 days each week to work on Momento, we are dedicated to making the best game possible but this limitation will mean production may take longer than usual.

Current Goal: Take a nap 😴

Happy holidays, everyone! It’s the festive season 🎉 and the Momento team is taking a break over the Christmas - New Year period! Although how much of a break does one really get with young children? As I write this Julian is lying on the floor distracting Issy with toys. 🙃 However we did get an awesome sleep-in until 8am this morning whilst extended family looked after her.

A lot has been happening over the last month and a bit! We released our Steam Page alongside our trailer in the Wholesome Snack on December 6 and now have over 18,000 wishlists! 🤯 I think it’s time we had a look back on our year in review:

  • February: The Momento team was formed and we started brainstorming some game ideas. I think there was a second-hand shop repurposing idea in there somewhere, and some sort of zoo tycoon inspired game. But Momento was the one that really struck a chord. 
  • March: 👶 Issy made her entrance into the world. Jess went on maternity leave whilst recovering from major surgery. Momento was chosen as the idea to take forward.
  • April: Jasmine and Julian began experimentation whilst continuing to work contract work for four days a week. 💪 (Jess in the trenches.)
  • May: We pitched Momento on TikTok and it went viral! (If anyone tells you maternity leave is a holiday… deck them.)
  • June: Julian and Jasmine finished their contract work and the Momento website was built. (From my vague and distorted memories… taking care of Issy got slightly easier at this point.)
  • July: Jess returned to work! 🥹 Julian and Jess now worked two days a week each whilst splitting care for Isabelle. Momento website went live.
  • August: We put together a submission for Screen Queensland grant funding. We created more rooms for the game, and we got covered by Gamesradar!
  • September: Started on prototype production and started mapping out individual story-paths. whilst preparing to head off to GCAP in early October.
  • October: Julian and Jasmine headed to GCAP where they pitched to some publishers. We applied for more grants, continued prototyping, put together our Steam Page, and made a game trailer for the Wholesome Snack.
  • November: Julian worked every available Momento 😁 to get a prototype ready in time for our end of year showcase with Screen Queensland. Meanwhile Jess and Jasmine worked on finalising the Steam Page, even more grant funding applications (the applications never end…), and getting everything ready for the Wholesome Snack.
  • December: Ramped up for the Wholesome Snack and Steam Page reveal! ✨ Then we did some end of year stuff, celebrated receiving the Screen Queensland grant, and participated in the showcase at the Screen Queensland residency. Currently we are enjoying a little breather before we knuckle down to work in the new year. 🫡

Happy Holidays! 🎀

Lots of Love 💕

Jess and the Momento Team

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