Momento 🧸 is getting ✨CREATIVE✨


How are you doing? We’ve been neck deep in work and swimming! 🏊 We’re in the midst of a sprint to get a build to play at some of our local showcases and working towards our Beta! We haven’t locked in a date yet but we are hoping to share it with you later this year. Here’s what we’ve been doing!

Julian has been putting together a first build of our Creative Mode! 🤩 It’s super early on but essentially this will be part of Momento where you’ll be able to create and decorate your own rooms. So far you can bring in different furniture, objects, and change the walls and flooring! 🛋️ You’ll see we still have quite a few things to implement but it is so cool to see this! 🔥

You’ll see we still have quite a few things to implement but it is so cool to see this! 🔥

Jasmine has been working on some new rooms and interval puzzles based off of some story-lines. ✏️ Here’s some really rough concept sketches of just two of them (don’t want to spoil the rendered versions for you just yet!) Can you guess what kind of rooms these are?? 🤔

I’ve been working on so much story stuff that I have spreadsheet eyes. 😵‍ 💫 I’ve also been making Momento inspired ✨friendship bracelets✨ (we might have them available at events at some point!) and writing up some documentation for the overarching story 👀 which I am pleased to say I can share the cover art with you!

Annnnnd that’s our update! Hope you have a lovely week ahead of you!

All the love, 🥰

Jess and the Momento Team 

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